FORTE CULTURA - Social Media Concept EN

Social Media Concept for fortified heritage 19 5 S UMMARY The Internet is an important component of your market presence, without nowadays it works hardly. Online Marketing has excellent opportunities to place your brand, your product, your im- age. Social Media could be a part of your strategy. If you are arrived here by reading the previous chapters, you have now basic knowledge and you can plan a strategy and your next steps. You don't need reinvent the wheel. There are already many good possibilities and completed online marketing tools and strategies, which you can use for your fortress. For all the offers for fortress partner of FORTE CULTURA ® and FORTS-2-MARKET (see following). Deepen your knowledge with our online trainings or book us for consultations and workshops. Order other publication, such as the "Guideline for effective e-marketing for the fortified heritage" . 5.1 A BOUT FORTE CULTURA® Old fortresses representing the history of empires, regions and cities, are part of the cultural her- itage of Central Europe. Properly manages, these ruins provide a region with benefits for urban and cultural development while bringing in tourism. FORTE CULTURA® helps regions get more out of fortified heritage by collecting and sharing the best information for their management and promotion - and by developing a cultural route that links cities boasting fortified heritage in the corridor between the Baltic and Adriatic Sea. FORTE CULTURA® offers excellent opportunities for fortress partners to improve their web presence at an international level. Talk to us. 5.2 A BOUT THE E UROPEAN F ORTRESS T OURISM AND F ORTRESS M AR- KETING N ETWORK Based on the importance of online marketing and the needs of fortifications for an intensive mar- ket presence, the partner of the project FORTE CULTURA founds the "European Fortress Tourism and Fortress Marketing Network" reg.ass. This organisation supports the European fortifications in the development of tourist offers and in their active promotion and distribution to the relevant markets.